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18 August 2010


From Secretary Brian:
Please send me an email response by Friday 20th. if you can provide something for display at St Johns on Nov 20th Saturday.
We need numbers by Friday arvo so that the space can be made available

12 August 2010

AGM aftermath

AGM last night, you will see above the new line-up of principal office bearers.
Committee. Ron Bartlett and Geoff White.
CD. Barry James
Safety Wed. Dennis Wilson
Safety Sun. Graeme Martin
Groundsman. Marcel Cazally

08 August 2010

SADAC Display day

WOW, what a day! The weather was as good as our Mid May Muster, I reckon they had nearly as many visitors as we had. The bonus was PURE JETS, so many I became quite blase' about them. A great day. 8 Bairnsdalians were present at my count.

02 August 2010


Have sent out the August Newsletter now.
There's not much in it.