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25 February 2013


Last Sunday Rod turned up with his lovely ARF F4U Corsair.
Up the front is this big 75cc Saito FA 450 R3  Radial Engine.

Two out of three cylinders showing.
 He got out this massive two handed starter he made up and the sound of this motor is FABULOUS!

 He then committed aviation and very nice it was too. Have a look at the video

Back on the flight line.

A really nice looking model, he put in over 100 hours on it he said.
I reckon it was time very well spent.

18 February 2013


The weather was fine to hot, wind benevolent for a change, insofar as direction was concerned at least.

A great weekend; everyone commented about the excellent catering, sincere thanks go to Sandra, Lynette, Anne and Graeme for top work in the canteen. Most excellent awards also to Dave F and team for the grounds and infrastructure, supporting the event.

All eyes skyward
Unusual; contra-rotating propellers, may become commonplace.
Fully self-contained charging system.

Well done Ben! F3A class, Third Place, extremely proud Mum and Dad were present with congratulations, along with many BADMAC members.

15 February 2013

Wednesday at the Field

Plenty of activity, Brians PBY had taxi trials after the rebuild, unhappy with the nose wheel.

 Lin gets ready to fly his Stinson

A very smooth landing coming up.
Ian and Graeme rehearse for the Wagga Easter Comp.
 Ian brings the Mentor in for a lovely landing.

10 February 2013

Motor Expo 2013

A good day for it.

06 February 2013

Tight Fit

Graeme, Lin and Brian checking out the Stinson Lin has just completed.

It only just fits into the trailer, we are looking forward to Heavy Certification so we can see it fly.