A competition was invented, design and build a "chuckie" glider and a judge would decide the best flier and a prize would be awarded, Kev and Rob were hard at work cutting and gluing.
Here are most of the "aircraft" constructed, most flew with a good deal of success.
One or two were a bit dodgy as far as flying was concerned.
Yours truly designed the 'canard' model........ NOT a great success!

Bruce was one of the guys to enjoy the
'Real Flight Basic' simulator

Ian S flew his Twister Quad, one of three present.
Ken had some success with his Trojan, however, a slightly larger venue is necessary for a nifty fixed wing model like this, as Ken found out.

All those attending, I believe had a good time discussing models.... adjusting models and eating a large lunch brilliantly prepared by Lorraine, Lyn and Carol-Anne, an extremely fine repast.
Next Sunday perhaps we will get to compete in the events originally listed for today, if the weather bureau cooperates.