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24 February 2015


Plenty of members turned up at the working bee today to tidy the place up, now that we have our 'Certificate of Occupancy' and the ACTIO(n) event is SO close.

Do you know just HOW easy it is for a T shirt to catch fire from a few silly little sparks????

Ian knows.
Gary puts his back into it!

Look who showed up in time to get back on the mower!

Carol-Anne gets things organised for catering.

 Shed is looking good.
 Kim has a slightly unorthodox way of levelling the ground.

Charles smartens up the clubhouse.

Ken is doing such a good job.

So much so that the blokes all stand in total admiration of such dexterity and attention to detail.

10 February 2015

Out of there

A working bee today was to be for tidying up rubbish at the old field so closure was assured.
 The eastern mountain appears to have doubled in size.
 A new dam under construction at the western end.
This quick stitched panorama shows a desolate overgrown landscape. I found it almost heartbreaking after the beautiful flyable, workable field that it was.
Obviously we changed to our new field at the right time.

03 February 2015

Grey Sunday

A new area has been set up for starting the noise-makers.

Not a bad idea.
The guys congratulated Ben on his achievement with his heli and examined the you-beaut rotor blades he won.

 Yes, once again, the heli is all over the place.