People came in droves from far and wide.
The number of exhibits was very disapointing, however the tank fighters were back still doing battle.
VARMS Club did it again with lovely models of all sizes to look at.
Model Engines had a great display of their product range
A most interesting model which apparently flies well.
Very drool-worthy.
The flying displays were well organised, but the deafening 'music' played as each model flew was diabolical, couldn't hear the models until the jet guys had the 'music' turned off, so that they could hear their models.
The powers took the hint and in the afternoon show, allowed the announcer to talk about the models during the flights.
The crowd reactions in the grandstand to various manouvres and heart-stopping approach-and-landings was good to hear, great involvement.
I was pleased to bump into two other of our members, specially David F visiting with his grand-kids and David C helping Mr Murphy and his racers.