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21 March 2016

The Sunday After

Action event over, time for the weather to get better.

 With better weather came plenty of pilots.

Graemes Mentor the second made an appearance.

 Think tank in session.

Ian is getting in plenty of practice for Wagga.

13 March 2016

Long Weekend

Day Two - Sunday ACTIO(n).
Oh dear, heavy drizzle to start the day, having to stand around and drink tea and coffee, this is NO WAY to start the day.

 About ten o'clock things started to improve to allow serious stuff.

Elevenish, competition could re-commence.

Then things got BETTER!

At the end of the day there was celebration!
A very good long weekend, I believe, was had by all.
Sincere thanks to every participant, we hope to do it all again at the Mid May Muster, 15th May.

12 March 2016

Long Weekend

Day One - Saturday  ACTIO(n)
Very Grey Gloomy Day, just the sort that make flying difficult.
Here are a few photos.

 Looking forward so much to tomorrow.