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26 May 2016


The Bairnsdale Advertiser Friday 20 May 2016

23 May 2016


After the Mid May Muster, today the weather was warm with tiny breeze -- just wonderful.
Ken decided that it was maiden flight day for his recently completed Vought Kingfisher after only about nine years of construction from plans, (not continuous of course).

 Originally a float plane, but better for Ken on wheels.

Nice detail.

Excellent dummy engine hiding an electric motor, of course.

A lovely flier, nice work Ken.

Mid May Muster

Well, alright, it was a bit breezy and not always from a nice direction, but otherwise a pleasant day as far as the weather went and the company was most excellent.

I hope the hitch-hiker doesn't fart!

Lindsay Lamonts Douglas Dauntless (pilots choice) 

Maiden flight over, heartbeat slowing down.

Commiserations Mark Radburn, the model was only 9 or ten years old.
Plenty of aviation committed, but the wind caused a halt just after lunch.
We will all be back again next May!

14 May 2016


Weather forcasting sites cannot agree on the weather for tomorrow, so here's my pick.
GOOD WEATHER - I look forward to seeing you here for a great Sunday!