Today was Special in that it was RFDS (Royal Flying Doctor Service) day and club family day. Donating $5 to RFDS and having a nice time with family was accomplished in typical fashion with a table groaning under a wonderful quantity of excellent quality food, provided by the catering committee as only they can do. Special guests were Alex and Bec Chigwidden; unfortunately the weather conspired to stymie Alexs' ambition to fly his model, but at a next time, I am sure this will be accomplished.
Alex and Bec.
Wonderful Food
There was no shortage of conversation.
If anyone went hungry or short of chats then it was their own fault. A WONDERFUL EXERCISE IN CAMARADERIE AND FUNDRAISING.
A few diehar enthusiastic pilots turned up today despite the bloody cold wind.
David C is flying in this shot, shame the sock isn't very clear; when I departed Kevin M was flying his 'Triple stabilised Apprentice', I hope he landed it in one piece.