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24 October 2018

Exciting times.

Sunday 21st.

Ian brought out the Stearman again, this time to definitely fly it.

 Just some of the fine detail.
Lift off straight away on first taxi test.
Pesky cross wind.
This time for REAL maiden flight.

 After first flight, thinking about some tweaks.
The second flight was even better than the first.

Wednesday a good turn-up.

Ken succesfully maidened his new Vampire ducted fan
Graemes Victa had a good outing 
Victa crew look happy
Ian ripped up the sky with the Cessna

Graeme with his 'Grand Tundra', most excellent foamie.

Kevin and his 'Wots-wot'.
Ken, trying to find some lift out there.
Ralph gets a hand.
A most variable wind, but everyone had good flights.

Me too. Cheers Geoff :)