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14 May 2016


Weather forcasting sites cannot agree on the weather for tomorrow, so here's my pick.
GOOD WEATHER - I look forward to seeing you here for a great Sunday!

27 April 2016

Wednesday 27th

Nice weather today except for a due North breeze, I hate 90 degree cross-breezes!
Anyhow, plenty of us had a nice time, specially David C and Graeme B, getting out their FPV models.
 Graemes model, waiting.
 Camera blocks pilots view.
 Lens cap needs to come off.
Bits on the top.

Davids Model.

 Neat arrangement.
Camera is well protected. 
Very tidy topside.
 Lucky launch shot.
What can I say?

16 April 2016


Yes, we are here on Saturday, Visitors from VARMS (Victorian Association of Radio Model Soarers) came to sample our skies and our lovely airfield, not to mention our renowned camaradiere.
Weather was good to excellent at the start with a breeze from the West, straight along the strip, veering to South in the afternoon.

 Almost ready for take-off.
 Graeme assists Daniel Malcman prepare another Tug.
Tim Morland, not sleeping; Soaring!

Landing queue.

Thumbs up for great field, food and friendship.

14 April 2016


DUUHH, I forgot to include my lucky shot of Graeme B soaring with the Eagles, there were two of them and when he decided to leave, another Eagle joined in.
 They were mighty high, extremely difficult to get in frame. Lucky shot.

13 April 2016


Fabulous weather brought out plenty of members.

 Bruce just loves his new FMS Staggerwing.

Brian showed off his new paint job on the Wyvern. (Video to come)
Tom was showing off with his elderly 3 channel model, no wonder he still keeps it flying.

11 April 2016


Sunday 10th.

 A few of the "Usual Suspects" having a good time.

Sunday 3rd,

Ralphs 'bitzer' gets flying.
Kevin C 'flying'
Not flying - talking.
Lin at work.

Bruce B and cute foamy

YES!  Graeme M gets Mentor-the-replacement off.
All in all, two good Sundays.

21 March 2016

The Sunday After

Action event over, time for the weather to get better.

 With better weather came plenty of pilots.

Graemes Mentor the second made an appearance.

 Think tank in session.

Ian is getting in plenty of practice for Wagga.

13 March 2016

Long Weekend

Day Two - Sunday ACTIO(n).
Oh dear, heavy drizzle to start the day, having to stand around and drink tea and coffee, this is NO WAY to start the day.

 About ten o'clock things started to improve to allow serious stuff.

Elevenish, competition could re-commence.

Then things got BETTER!

At the end of the day there was celebration!
A very good long weekend, I believe, was had by all.
Sincere thanks to every participant, we hope to do it all again at the Mid May Muster, 15th May.