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21 May 2018

Mid May Muster 2018

The day dawned quite nicely and despite diabolical winds forecast all was well at the field and some flying was happening.

By the time Ken was landing the Kingfisher, the wind allowed a ground speed of zero kMh
Pilots briefing

Note the flag, everyone was offered their money back after flying stopped at about 1015, no-one asked for a refund. The kitchen did a good trade and great camaraderie was enjoyed. We thank all who came and look forward to another time.
Geoff :)

05 May 2018




Junk in the shed.

25 April 2018


A good day at the field, overcast, breeze from the East, very pleasant temperature, lots of members.

Ian M came with a model to fly (which he did), I have never seen that before.
Rob gives him a hand to affix a wayward wheel.

Here is Darcy flying his Silver Wings test and (inset) Ian gives him the thumbs up having passed the test. 

Everyone present was very pleased for Darcy and his proud parents Tony and Lisa.

What a great Day!

Cheers Geoff :)

22 April 2018

Sun Day

Sunday was off to a very foggy start, this did not deter hardy aeromodellers from attending the field.

Bruce is all smiles having just maidened his brand new Katana after taking a step to the dark side - it has a (Shock Horror) stroke IC engine.
A happy bloke.

Graeme and Tom help with the de-brief.

Andy dropped by for a fly, great to see him here.

Andy gets some assistance from Kev and Rob as he tries to tighten the pesky muffler.

Cheers Geoff :)

10 April 2018

Dodgy Sunday

Sunday dawned bright and a gentle breeze so there were lots of members in the pits and sky.
Brian maidened his new 25% Spitfire, sounds excellent with that 3 cylinder engine.

Engine running - time to commit aviation.
Successful flight, just a little underpowered was the consensus.

Bob, Stephen, Ian and Paul from Sale club.
Four visitors from Sale added to the excitement, they brought along many models and spare transmitters to help convince us to join them in COMBAT.

Ian and Paul, aka 'The Dodgy Brothers' with a selection of combat models which they make and sell. Tony and Darcy have their own and the Dodgies handed out a few for us to fly.

Everybody enjoyed the experience and there were plenty of orders placed to keep D1 and D2 busy for some time. 

 Bob entertained us with a few flights of his 'Convergence'.
Bob with his very nifty Convergence

Tony turned on a sausage sizzle which capped off the day in convivial fashion.

HUGE thanks to D1 & D2 - Stephen and Bob for coming to entertain us.

 Many thanks to Tony for organising the visitors and the lunch.

Cheers Geoff:)

Catch Up

March 24.  At last - Raffle prizes redeem day.

We head for Rosedale, to "Tiger Tours"
Edith won a 30 Minute flight, Darcy, 15 minutes and Geoff purchased a 15 minute flight and we all were looking forward to the experience.
The weather predicted was showers, they stopped while we were at the field.

Our pilot, Jake shows where we will be going.

Edith is ready to go first.
The "Tiger" is immaculate, just like it is fresh off the production line.
How to clamber aboard.

Helmet necessary.

After the flight.
While Edith was flying, Darcy tried on the lovely Stampe.
The Stampe is gorgeous.

Strapped in.
Darcy enjoys a steep turn at the end of a low pass.
Geoff is big enough to see over the cowling.

What a great morning, it was SOOO good to see the beautiful aircraft and meet the guys, they obviously love their aircraft and sharing the flying experience with us altitude-challenged people. We went to the Sale RSL club for a pleasant lunch, during which, the rain came - we had great weather for our flights, a really excellent experience.
Cheers, Geoff:)