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23 November 2013

Static at St Johns

Saturday the 16th was the annual Bairnsdale St Johns Church Fair and as has become a habit we had a display, the weather was good for a change so exterior setup it was.

David F had his flight simulator going indoors and apparently it was occupied quite a bit.

Thanks to those members who attended.

17 November 2013

Ian S has a new model which was putting up a fight (surprise surprise, it IS a IC engine!) and so the cowling had to come off didn't it and it's too hard to put back on again isn't it.

10 November 2013

Sunday 10th

Look who turned up at the field today, I haven't seen him here for many many months.

 As always he had lovely models in the trailer, this B17 is a FOAMY, gorgeous!

Looks as good in the air as on the ground, actually it was a lot better when you couldn't see the rather clunky panel outlines and other "details" on the model.

 Welcome back Cam.

Erics trainer had a swimming lesson today, not much damage, just soggy and muddy.

It will be a real fight to get that mud off, don't ask me how I know.

30 October 2013


A different view of the field from the hill at the east end.

13 October 2013

After the Wind

A great job of tidying up today, before flying, if any was done as the wind was increasing by the time I had to leave.
The runway was re-layed and the blokes did a fantastic job.

 Rob and Kev fixing one of the safety fences.


 A new sock flying high.


 The other runway belt getting sorted out, but not re-layed at this time.

 Lots of willing hands working hard, well done.

06 October 2013

Gloomy Sunday

I am back from holiday and look at what has happened, huge wind storms a week ago re-arranged the field a little.

Our lovely pink runway!!!

Part of the pits

Poor sock!
See where some of the pits used to be.

Dave F has a new model, a heavy one, he flew it today, note port wing strut. .

Here is proof positive that Bens heli CAN in fact, fly right-side UP!

It doesn't do that very often.

13 September 2013

State Field (Far East)

I received this update from Darryl....
Hi Geoff

For your interest.

Settlement on the purchase of the State and BADMAC Field at Bengworden was finalised on Wed 4 Sep 13 (much to everyone's relief).

We had a working bee at the new field to mark out the strips etc on Sat 7 Sep 13.  It was well supported.  We have another one on Sat 14 Sep 13 to construct the entrance and install the gate!

Although I had been at the field previously, I didn't realise how big the parcel of land was until I 'walked the course'.

Thanks to darry for that, I am away.

25 August 2013

Oh Dear!

The re-built Victa of Graemes bit the paddock today.

No repairs this time!

It seems that some aileron trim went too far and an over-correction put her in.