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20 June 2018

First Flights

A number of  'First Flights' took place today, most were a success.
Brian rebuilt his Chipmunk. - Success.

Kev and his new VQ model Tiger. - Success.

Pete and his new ASW28. - Success
Ralphs rebuilt Oldie. - Unsuccessful, motor ripped the nose clean off .

Kevs turbo Beaver decided to go it alone. - Unsuccessful.
Cheers Geoff :)

13 June 2018


Cold wind today, but westerly, so that wasn't so bad.

Rob is wearing what he calls his winter shorts.

Kev is standing next to his latest creation - a stack of 4 - Count them, FOUR models, plus the wings are somewhere.
What an inventive and versatile bloke.

One of the other Kevs', on the left in the pic, brought along his new model, a very nice looking Tiger Moth, electric of course, he just wanted to get it set up, range checked and tuning the stabiliser so no maiden flight today, we wait with bated breath.

Cheers Geoff :)

03 June 2018

Threed of June

With a lousy-looking start of the weather some of us turned up anyway.
It was well worth it, after the drizzle stopped, light wind along the runway and nice and clear.
So clear that Marty came prepared for a LOT of flying.
Fuel for a thirsty plane.
Tiloh had a fly of the Easyglider, while John flew the TwinStar.
Bruce B had a smooth landing in the outfield.
A very good morning.
Cheers Geoff :)

30 May 2018

Sunday 27th.

Nice day with plenty of members attending.
John, Brian and Tiloh doing battle.

"What'll we fly now?"
Kev M gives Rob a heave.

"I dunno, whadaya reckon?"
Is Ian really leaving the dark side?
Absolutely NOT! He is merely dabbling in experiencing the finer side of model power.
Cheers Geoff :)

28 May 2018

May 27 fine day for flying

Just as well the grass is long enough so Kevin can move his plane from fence line.
Could be discussing wing struts

Martin will be supplying ear protection for members next time he flies.

Which one of these won't clear the fence.

Could be discussing the lack of under cover protection.

I know it's here somewhere.
Graeme launching his glider.

21 May 2018

Mid May Muster 2018

The day dawned quite nicely and despite diabolical winds forecast all was well at the field and some flying was happening.

By the time Ken was landing the Kingfisher, the wind allowed a ground speed of zero kMh
Pilots briefing

Note the flag, everyone was offered their money back after flying stopped at about 1015, no-one asked for a refund. The kitchen did a good trade and great camaraderie was enjoyed. We thank all who came and look forward to another time.
Geoff :)

05 May 2018




Junk in the shed.