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08 May 2014


Kevin C was a happy flier, he finally sorted out the problems with his 'Swiss Stick'.

 Dave F fired up his 'Falcon 190'

 The Falcon as it approached its first "arrival".
I won't go into details of its second, suffice to say it wasn't good.
Kim finished his great looking plane, I can never remember whether it's a ME 109 or a BF 190, it's a great job.

 Watch the Video.

 Peter brought his ASK21 glider for a fly.
He made a dolly for launching.
 It woks well, flies a treat too!
Kev B helps Ralph assemble his nice looking C160, reckons it flies way too fast for him, may be for sale soon.

03 May 2014


How much rubbish can you fit into one small pump-house?

Answer:  Quite a LOT!! 

It all came out so the pump and house could be removed in preparation for moving to State Field East.
 We had a great turn up for the work, the idea was to get the pump out, cut the legs off the shed and trailer them away.

The pump was removed as the angle grinder on hand cut the padlocks off easily enough, but an industrial-size device is needed to cut the legs.
 Anyway the dirt has been dug away so the legs are reachable when technology is available to do the cutting.

The opportunity was taken to get rid of some of the junk in the field shed as well, to add to the pumphouse stuff and off to next door for chucking out.

A good mornings work, thanks guys.

16 April 2014


The rain stopped!
An excellent day for flying.

Kim brought along his nearly finished FW 190 for comments and to show us what a good job he is doing on the paint etc.
The kit was designed for an electric motor, but unfortunately he has put in one of those infernal combustion thingys, hope it doesn't vibrate to bits.

13 April 2014

Another Sizzle

 The 12th saw the weather NOT RAINING for a change, so a good days sizzling was anticipated.
Once again Bunnings was the site. Photo shows "the boys" ready for action, Kim and Ken.

Sponsors, Bunnings  have donated this 4 burner BBQ for us to raffle and we sold a few tickets, hopefully we will sell many more.

A very profitable day.

03 April 2014

First Wednesday April

 Barry was punting his electric Tiger about with great alacrity.
 Ian S just loves his Sebart thingy despite it being electric.
 Ian W was trying to wear out his nice biplane with a multitude of touch and goes.

 My squadron while it is still looking reasonable.


to find out.

22 March 2014

Another Wednesday

 The guys are assembled for more.
Antenna exit.

Ian W is adding more detail to his wonderful Cub, here the antenna has been added. The radio frequencies required a long antenna, this was stored on a reel and once in the air, it could be unrolled to the correct length for best efficiency.

Trailing antenna detail.

At the end of the wire there was a drogue to keep it extended and keep it fairly tight, once again for best  transmission performance.
A nice scale detail, I approve.
 NOTE CAREFULLY, the person is sitting in the back seat, the pilot seat is between his legs.

Just WHO is flying this plane??
 Barry is flying one of his Biplanes, Graeme is obviously flying a Glider.

Talking about Barrys biplanes, the blue one is very very very old.
Some say, it was a development model for the full size aircraft.

13 March 2014


 INDOOR FLYING NIGHT is booked for Friday 28 March 2014.

"World Hobbies Mid May Muster Bairnsdale" is the title of our Muster this year.

We are planning a huge signature 3 day event for Labour Day weekend in March 2015 to be held at State Field East, that gives us only 12 months to prepare.

05 March 2014

A fairly nice day, gusty light breezes for half the morning.

Lots of members turned up with many models in the pits.

There were many discussions about all sorts of stuff.

While gusting, there was plenty of hot air blowing about under the shelter roof.

 Kevin C was flying his (formerly) lovely Texan and on landing approach I noticed something dangling in the slipstream under the Port wing.

  After the ensuing 'arrival' it was determined that what I saw, was the aileron servo hanging off its lead.
 Anyhow, the day was a success overall.