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03 September 2015

Wednesday a beauty!

Weather was very good and about ten members turned up to enjoy.

 Great camaraderie was had, as well as some excellent flying,
also, some not-so-excellent.
HOWEVER, Brian fired up the SeaFury and a maiden flight was underway, a problem reared up and within about 2 circuits he landed safelyish, one rather expensive propeller later, unfortunately.
 A disconnected aileron was the culprit.
Left aileron the culprit

Errant grub screw, the cause.       

16 August 2015

Spiffy Sunday

What GREAT weather!
Wonder why so few blokes turned up.

Anyhow, brian worked some more on drainage of the "duck ponds" by the runway.

Guys working on  gen-shed extension, to house the you-beaut gen set.

Ian and his P51

Peter gets set to maiden his electric 'Wot 4'   VIDEO HERE.

10 August 2015


Wings extending.

Wings down and locked

Engine ready to be run

Neat practical exhaust system.

Under the cowl hatch.

Brians SeaFury was to have its first engine run-up, but such was the power of Mr.Murphy that it did not happen. Will be fine next time I am sure.

Ben flew his 3D Heli, I managed to chase it about the sky, video on youtube.

30 July 2015

Wednesday again

Charles readies his new model for a maiden flight.

It flies alright.

 A really nice day for flying, 4 gliders in the air at one time, doesn't get much better.

Durafly Storch, looks very nice on ground and in the air.

25 July 2015

Mid Year Social

Wednesday 22nd evening a most pleasant evening was had at the Retreat Hotel Nicholson. Brian did it again with the brain teasers for entertainment. Everyone had a good time.

19 July 2015


Swapping ideas.

Ian W chucking his Stampe all over the place.
Toms Fournier RF4 motor glider.

Good Flying

Kinda says it all really.
 Indoor 17 July.
 Not a big crowd.

 What's David up to?
Oh, this is what he's flying, good fun.
 This one flew well too.
 Ian preps his Tiger Moth.
 Difficult to get off the floor, but flew quite well.
Rob flew his nifty bipe.
 Ian has an interesting launch technique.
 Kevin and his Micro Stick.

Tom had many flights of his rubber-powered ultra-light.

Also time for a good chat.

It's a shame we don't get more participants to enjoy.

15 July 2015

Annual General Meeting

Tonights AGM results.
President: Graeme M
Secretary: Brian H
Treasurer: Ian M
Committee: Brett S - Geoff W - Rob B - Tom P.
Registrar: Ian W
Safety: Kim G - Rob B.
Airfield manager: Kim G
CD: Ian W

So no surprises then.