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10 January 2017

Sizzling at Bunnings

Sizzling was right! The Saturday was a very hot day, fortunately it didn't stop people heading to Bunnings for stuff and a snag.

Thanks to "the usual suspects" for turning up and making it all happen.

15 December 2016

Christmas Party

Wednesday evening at the Bairnsdale Bowls Club.
A delicious meal, lots of chat and entertaining brainteasers.
What's not to enjoy?

08 December 2016


Great weather brought out plenty of members.

Brian with his latest creation

Heading out for taxiing trials, very successful.

05 December 2016


We had a visitor with a camera, just a few of his pics. Thanks to 'Pip' Cooper.

29 November 2016

New Satellite Pics

Just found that the satellite view has been updated in the not far distant past.

Not bad.

28 November 2016

Static Saturday

19 November saw a few of us at StJohns church for their annual fete, good weather meant lots of passers by.

A pleasant morning I thought.

27 November 2016

P&DARCS Scratch/kit-built scale rally.

While I was at SWAMPS, P&DARCS Scratch/kit-built scale rally weekend was in progress, Sunday was attended by Brian, Ian W, Tom and Kim.
Loads of pics supplied by Kim.
 A windy, grey day.
Blohm and Voss 141
DH83 Fox Moth

Hawker Tempest

Pitts Special
Tom brought along his nifty Pace

B25 Mitchell

Cute diarama featuring a Airco DH2.
B24 Liberator


A6M Zero

This B36 is electric powered, with edfs in the jet pods to help the six props.
Massive B36 Peacemaker, wingspan around the 5 metre mark.

Brians PBY 5A won Pilots Choice
Fab Trophy!

Brian was really stoked to receive this, as the standard of models there was extremely high, it went up on the wall as soon as he got home.

Brian made a great choice off the prize table