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01 June 2013

Muster Movie

I have had a chance to stitch together the videos I shot at the Muster, the result is rather long but I left out very much more than I left in.
 It runs 10 and half minutes, is a bit wobbly, as are all my videos.

It will keep you out of trouble for a while anyway.

19 May 2013

Mid May Muster 2013

OK I was a little bit out in my weather predictions.
 But it WAS cold, however the wind was a bit stronger than I anticipated, never-the-less I believe that all attendees had a good time, flew quite a lot, (I will put together a quick video in the next coming days or weeks) and as there were no crashes, then it WAS a GOOD DAY.
The pictures are just to show the range of models which were present.
 The local newspaper sent a photographer along and so we should get some coverage there, which will be very nice, after the good promotion in last Mondays "Advertiser".

 Attendance by members of the public was good despite the weather and I believe that all who came, enjoyed the flying. A few guys stayed all day.

 Note the name on this very nice large P51 Mustang from Wayne and Lucas of Addies Hobbies.
 Interesting artwork.
 Most unusual, P82 Twin Mustang, a really good performer.

Well that's the lot until next year.

We're off!

0845 and plenty of activity, wind is brisk but I flew my little foamy no trouble.
Looking like a good day.

18 May 2013

ONE more sleep!

Today we had a static display at Bunnings Bairnsdale to help promote the MMM.
Weather was quite cold with a Souwester blowing.
Sunday will be BETTER I PROMISE!
There were other displayers there too, with an ice cream van and small cone ice creams for free. The obligatory sausage sizzle by the front door on weekends was also present, it is compulsory to have at least two snags with onions. Jumping castle for kids, SES van to look at, very well equipped it was too.

Predictions still show strongish winds for us, Westerly though, so that's a small compensation.
I believe it will be better for us than predicted, but it WILL be cold so must rug up.
Plenty hot Pies and Sausage Rolls to eat courtesy of Patties

 See you tomorrow.

15 May 2013

4 More Sleeps

We rehearse the weather for Sunday.
Mid May Muster Day that is.

 The weather will be good for flying though a bit cold, just like today started out, except it will be better.
Trust me, I'm the publicity officer.

Ian W gets his GeeBee-Y out.
 Gets off the ground OK........

 Flings it about the sky a lot........


Then brings it in to land quite nicely thank you.

David C flew his Heli's, this Eurocopter looked very nice in the air and also close up on the ground.

Charles lends a hand to David as he packs up his lovely big electric Cub.

 Ron B flew his Extra, I thought this shot of take-off looked rather surreal, very artificial, like a picture on the box it came in...... except it's not. This is just as I grabbed it today.

11 May 2013

Despite the thick smoke haze, plenty of members turned up for the working bee in preparation for the muster, only eight more sleeps to go.

Looking at the MSLP chart I reckon we WILL have good weather on the day, no doubt about it.

08 May 2013

Only 10 more sleeps

What a great Wednesday!!!
Busy in the pits

The weather was almost perfect today, a slight breeze straight down the strip would have made it absolutely perfect.
Mid May Muster weather will be just as good, I am positive!
There was a good turn-up today with lots of flying done.
Working bee on Saturday next 11th May to prepare, then a static display in Bunnings car park on Saturday 18th to help promote the Muster.

22 April 2013

Good One

Landing approach
Another top day for flying with quite a few guys in attendance.
David C did the honours again for Graeme M and piloted
the Skyraider for its second flight.

That was the highlight of the day although Ben did his usual shredding of the laws of physics with his helicopter doing all sorts of impossible flying stuff, just because he can.